Note: The broker has completely migrated all data, and those that were previously able to use BrokerConnect import for TDA have lost access to this import method.
Since you will receive two separate 1099-Bs - pre-merger 1099-B from TDA, and post-merger 1099-B from Schwab - we recommend that you have two separate account tabs in TradeLog: one for the pre-merger TD Ameritrade data, and one with the post-merger Charles Schwab data. This will make the 1099-B reconciliation easier.
You'll want to import up to the merger date in the TDA account. (Since you can no longer obtain the trade history from TDA, you'll need to first go to Account>Edit Account, and change the Import Filter to "Charles Schwab" first. Then you can import a CSV file downloaded from Charles Schwab, up to the merger date.)
Then, press the "Open" button to view/verify your open positions in the TDA account, and click the "Transfer Open Positions" button to transfer all the TDA open positions to a new account tab for Charles Schwab. See: Transferring Open Positions.
Then go to the Schwab account tab and you can continue to import your transactions from the post-merger date onward, by following these import instructions: Importing from a CSV File - Charles Schwab
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