TradeLog data files are stored on your local computer by default. Follow the instructions below if you need to move your data files to a new computer.
Note: Some users have had success storing TradeLog data files on a shared network location which can be accessed by more than one computer using TradeLog. Some have also used tools like Google Drive to store files on the cloud. We cannot provide specific instructions for all such methods, nor guarantee the results. We do strongly recommend creating a backup of your files before moving to such a location.
Upon installation, TradeLog creates a folder for storing data file: .../libraries/documents/tradelog as shown below. (Depending on the Windows version it may be called .../mydocuments/tradelog).
If you are installing TradeLog on a new computer: We recommend you copy this entire tradelog folder to a thumb drive or other storage device, then move this to the same location on your new computer (replacing the folder on the new computer). Make sure to install TradeLog on the new computer BEFORE moving the folder.
If you are using TradeLog on two computers and will be moving files between the computers: We recommend copying this tradelog folder to a moveable storage device like a thumb drive and then moving to the computer you will be using, replacing the tradelog folder on the new location. When going back to your other computer it is important to remember to repeat this step and move the folder back in order to keep your updates! Alternatively you may be able to zip and email this folder or use a network storage location.
Within the tradelog folder you will find additional sub-folders for Settings, Reports, Import, and Backups; along with your TradeLog data files, as shown in the image below. While you may be able to move only your TradeLog data file(s) to your new computer, any customized settings you have created are saved in the Settings folder. The other folders may also be useful, thus we recommend moving the entire tradelog folder.
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