Each new user should review the basic elements of the main TradeLog window. It will be difficult for new users to follow instructions in the Comprehensive User Guide well if you are not familiar with the window layout.
For each label below, scroll down to view details for that part of the window.
Title Bar
The Title Bar provides the complete path of your data file on your hard drive
(ex. C:\Users\ronan\OneDrive\Documents\tradelog\2020 TradeLog Sample)
Main Menu Bar
Almost all of the functions outlined in the Comprehensive User Guide can be accessed by selecting the function from the appropriate Main Menu option.
Note: Some menu options may be unavailable depending on the Account View you are in.
Many helpful functions can be found on the ToolBar such as
- Grid Filters
- Year End Checklist
- Get Support Button
- Undo
- Redo
Profit/Loss Summary Bar
Note: The profit/loss displayed is only a quick reference of the actual P/L for the displayed record(s). To view an accurate P/L for accounting and tax purposes please run the Gain and Loss Report. - see Gains & Losses Report - For Filing with Taxes
All data contained in the Profit/Loss Summary Bar is based on records currently displayed in the grid. This Bar provides the following:
The number of shares and contracts open
The Total Profit or Loss for the records displayed
The Total Commission paid for the records displayed
The last date of the records displayed
The number of records being displayed
When the ALL button has been selected, the Profit/Loss Summary Bar will display data based on all records in the data file.
Account Tabs
The account tabs allow you to toggle between viewing individual trading accounts and viewing All Accounts (in a multi-account data file)
Note: Some functions and menu options may be restricted depending on the account view. For example: editing of trade records must always be done in an individual account tab; most tax reporting is done from the All Accounts view.
Grid Display
The Grid is the main section where users are able to view and interact with their trade transactions.
All trades are matched and grouped by trade number (TrNum). To help the user distinguish one group of trades from another, shading alternates between white and green.
The current record that you have selected will be shaded in grey and in bold black letters.
Columns can be resized by the user by positioning the mouse cursor over the line between the columns in the column header row, holding down the left mouse button and dragging the line to the desired location.
Records can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on any column header. For example, to sort by price in ascending order, click on the word Price in the column header once. To sort in descending order, click on the word twice.
The scroll bar (at far right) can be used to scroll the display up or down.
Keyboard shortcuts also can be used to quickly scroll up or down as follows:
<Up Arrow> and <Down Arrow> keys move one record at a time.
<PageUp> and <PageDown> keys move one whole page at a time.
<Ctrl-End> moves to the very end of the file.
<Ctrl-Home> moves to the very beginning of the file.
Single records may be selected by single-left-clicking with your mouse on any cell in that record (row). Double-left-clicking on any row will isolate the entire trade number in the grid.
Getting Started Panel - currently unavailable |
Status Bar
The Status Bar is the bottom section of the main TradeLog window. This bar provides the following information (various status messages shown above):
Registration information - whether the software is fully registered, running in the trial mode, or your software has expired.
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