The IRS Form 8949 report generates an IRS ready report for direct filing with your Schedule D.
Please note that all tax year reporting will show a DRAFT watermark until you have completed the End Tax Year process on the TradeLog file. Final tax reporting should always be generated once the End Tax Year process has been completed.
To understand IRS Form 8949 reporting, see our online guide: The Comprehensive Guide to Schedule D and Form 8949
As with all TradeLog reports, the Form 8949 report can be modified by filtering the data in the Grid prior to running the report. (For example, if you use the Find, Ticker command to isolate trades for one particular ticker, the Gains & Losses report will display only that ticker.)
- If you wish to run this report for tax filing information, you should make sure you click the All Trades button, which removes any data filtering, before you run this report so all of your trades for the current tax year will be included.
- Please note that the Form 8949 report will ONLY include realized gains and losses for the current tax year, unless you change the Start and End dates.
Running the IRS Form 8949 report:
- For final tax reporting, the report should be run by selecting the All Accounts tab in a multi-account data file.
- From the Reports menu, click Form 8949.
- Adjust report settings as desired.
Note the following key parts (numbered in the image below):
1. If you need a PDF version of your Form 8949 for direct e-filing with the IRS, check the box Create Form8949.pdf attachment for e-filing. When you run the report TradeLog will generate this PDF - which does not include the Schedule D summary page normally generated for your convenience. Click here for more details about this feature.
2. If you need to include the Statement Explaining Differences, check the box Include Statement Explaining Differences and Adjustments Between Form 8949 and 1099-B. To learn more about this option click here.
Note: The check box There Are Other Errors On My 1099-B is available when the Statement Explaining Differences option is selected. Click here to learn more about this check box.
3. Click Run Rpt to generate the 8949 report.
- The IRS Form 8949 report will display. Sample shown below.
- The second to last page of the report will show an Instruction Page with totals carried over from Form 8949. This will assist you in entering proper totals on your Schedule D. The last page generated is the Statement Explaining Differences and Adjustments Between Form 8949 and 1099-B (if that option was selected).
For details on tax filing options, please refer to User Guide Step 8 - Filing Your Taxes
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