As all data displayed in the grid prior to running a report will be contained in the report, users can customize reports by filtering out unnecessary data from the grid. Specific trade data can be displayed on the grid by using Find menu options, Open, Closed or Date Range buttons or the custom Grid Filter.
Joyce wants to analyze her performance in options she traded between July 1 to August 31, 2024. She should:
- From the Find menu, select Date Range, and set the Start date as 7/01/2024 and the End date as 8/31/2024, then press OK to display only trades between those dates from the grid.
- Then click Grid Filter, select the dropdown from the Type/Mult column to select only OPT, and press Apply Filter.
From the Reports menu, click Performance.
The Report Preview screen will display Joyce's Trading Performance Report, complete with metrics for the filtered trades.
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