The Match function allows a user to force long-term holdings to remain open and unmatched until they are closed in the future, while continuing to actively trade the same security short-term.
To force specific trade records to remain unmatched:
From the Adjustments menu, click Match or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + M.
A Warning popup window will appear, asking "Match selected records?". Click YES to match, NO to cancel.
If you selected YES, TradeLog will force every selected record together into a tax lot, and assign a new trade number to the lot.
A Confirm popup window will appear, asking "Save your changes?". Click YES to save, NO to cancel.
If you need to reverse the matching function, click the Undo button.
Result: All long-term holdings that were force matched using Edit, Match Tax Lots will have a unique lot number displayed in the "Matched" column. Any trades that come after this long-term holding will not be matched with it. See: Display Matched Tax Lots
On January 5th Steve buys 1000 shares of MSFT and wants to hold them long-term.
On February 12th, Steve decides to day trade MSFT. He buys 200 shares and, later in the day, sells the 200 shares at a profit.
As TradeLog uses strict FIFO trade matching, the sale of the 200 shares would be matched with the first purchase of 1000 shares on January 5th when the trades are imported. However, this trade matching doesn't accurately reflect how Steve executed his trades and won't be consistent with the trade history report from his online broker.
So, Steve selects the buy transaction for the 1000 shares of MSFT and uses the Match function to match it into a new tax lot with a new trade number. This effectively forces the initial purchase of 1000 shares on January 5th to remain open and available for trade matching when Steve eventually sells these shares in the future.
Once the long-term holding is closed, the closing trade will have to be manually matched with the holding.
Please choose the following instructions depending on your situation:
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