For a particular Trade Number, when the number of shares that have been closed/sold do not equal the number of shares that were previously opened/bought, the trade is considered to be an open position.
All trade positions that are currently open in a data file can be viewed in the Open Positions Window:
To launch the Open Positions Window, click the Open button on the toolbar.
The window will now display all open positions as of the last date of import. If you have imported January of next tax year, the last date of import will be January 31 of next tax year (or whatever the date was for your last trade in January).
Click on any column header to sort by that column.
For your convenience, an Average Price has been calculated for each open position. This comes in handy when you have purchased shares over a period of time, and need the average cost of all shares.
To view your open positions as of any date, click the drop down arrow and select a date using the calendar.
To view your open positions as of December 31 of the current tax year, click the Year End Open Positions button.
To shift open positions to a new account, due to switching brokerages or accounts, click the Transfer Open Positions button.
To enter current prices temporarily for all open positions for analysis, click the Get Current Prices button.
To remove all options that were not exercised and have passed their expiration date, click the Expire Options button.
To copy your open positions and paste them into notepad, Word, Excel, etc, Click the COPY button
To print your open positions, click the PRINT button.
To close the Open Positions Window, click the CLOSE button.
To refresh the grid with all trades in your data file, click the All Trades button on the toolbar.
The portfolio management tools in the Open Positions Window, such as pricing all open positions to current market prices, provides insight to see potential unrealized gains and the automatic expiration of options. Please see Using the Open Positions Window and Expire Options for more details.
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