When a company undergoes a merger, stock symbols (tickers) usually reflect the change. For example, when Progress Energy (PGN) merged with Duke Energy (DUK), the ticker symbol for the stock traded on the NYSE was changed to simply DUK. A Ticker change, such as this one, can cause trade-matching issues in your data file when importing from broker trade history reports.
TradeLog looks at the Date and Ticker data on your trade history report during the import process to determine proper trade-matching. The ticker description in both the opening and closing transactions must be identical, or the two transactions will not be matched correctly.
The Ticker description in each "pre-merger" opening transaction must be adjusted.
For investors with minimum trading, please see Selecting a Single Trade for Editing and Editing a Trade.
For active traders with multiple trade entries in a stock going through a merger see the Change Ticker function.
Note: In rare cases a company that undergoes a merger also has a stock split. To adjust this in TradeLog:
Choose one of the options above to change all relevant tickers to the new company symbol.
After changing the stock tickers adjust for the stock split - see Adjusting for Stock Splits.
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