TradeLog allows a user to hold long-term positions open and close them in the future while actively trading the same security. See: Holding Long-Term Open Positions
Once the long-term holding is closed, the closing trade will have to be manually matched with the open long-term position.
To match closing trade records with the long-term holding if the closing position needs to be manually entered:
1. Select the open holding record. See Selecting Multiple Trades.
2. From the Add menu, click Insert Record or use the keyboard shortcut F6. See: Adding or Inserting a Record
3. In the blank record that will appear above the holding, please change the following fields (use your TAB key to move from column to column):
- Date: Enter the correct trade date of the closing position
- O/C: Enter C for "closed"
- L/S: Enter "L" for a closing sell or "S" for a closing buy to cover short.
- Ticker: Enter the same ticker symbol as the holding.
- Sh/Contr: Enter the amount of shares (or contracts) that were closed.
- Price: Enter the correct per share price.
- Type/Mult: Enter the same type/mult label as the holding.
- Comm: Enter the correct commission amount.
- Amount: Leave blank.
- Matched: Enter the SAME lot number as the holding. See: Display Matched Tax Lots
4. Hit your ENTER key TWICE to save.
5. A Confirm popup window will appear, asking "Enter another transaction?". Click YES to insert another record, NO to finish the process.
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