We do not provide detailed step-by-step instructions for importing TXF data into TurboTax®. Our users have found the Form 8453 method to be the simpler and most accurate way to e-file with TradeLog reporting.
Importing Form 8949 transactions from a TradeLog generated TXF file is only supported in TurboTax® Desktop versions. If you are using TurboTax® Online you will need to follow the instructions for Entering Form 8949 Totals Into TurboTax®.
Important Notes:
If you need to include a statement explaining Form 8949 differences and adjustments, use the Form 8453 e-filing method instead.
TurboTax® is not owned or controlled by TradeLog. Therefore, we do not provide technical support for the use of TurboTax® products. We provide only basic instructions for general use with TradeLog reporting. Please contact TurboTax® for specific assistance using their product.
Warning: Do not enter broker 1099-B data into TurboTax® for trades/accounts for which you are using TradeLog, as this will incorrectly be added to Form 8949! If you have already entered such 1099-B data, you must delete it from TurboTax® before proceeding with the TXF import!
Once you have exported the TurboTax® TXF file from TradeLog, you are ready to import into TurboTax®.
Import your TradeLog generated TXF file into TurboTax® Desktop versions
Open your return in the desktop program
Click on the FILE menu, and in the dropdown choose IMPORT.
In the second dropdown menu choose "From accounting software."
On the next screen make your choice, and Continue.
See our FAQ on How to Prepare Trader Taxes
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