Once you have exported the TaxACT® csv file from TradeLog, you are ready to import into TaxACT®.

Important Notes:
If you need to include a statement explaining Form 8949 differences and adjustments, you must use the Form 8453 e-filing method instead.
TaxACT® is not owned or controlled by TradeLog. Therefore, we do not provide technical support for the use of TaxACT®. We provide only basic instructions for using their product below. Some instructions or screen shots may change without notice. Please contact TaxACT® for specific assistance using their product.
Import your TradeLog generated CSV file into TaxACT® Premier Online
Sign in to your TaxACT® online account or create a new account.
To go directly to the import page, click on Federal, then select Investment Income, then 1099-B CSV import.
Click on the CSV Import button.
Click the Choose File button. Select the appropriate CSV file you saved in your computer. The default location is Documents\Tradelog\Reports. Once you have selected the appropriate CSV file for import, click the Open button.
Next click Continue to begin upload and import process.
TaxACT® will attempt to identify the column header data in the file as shown in the images below. Make sure that the header data is identified correctly, then click Continue.
Next TaxACT® will prompt you to select which rows of data will be imported. Click the checkbox at the top of the Import column to select all rows. You may be prompted to confirm. Please make sure NOT to select the Header Row. Once all rows are selected (as shown below), then click Continue.
TaxACT® will list all data found in the CSV file. Click Import to complete the data import.
Click Close and Continue when finished.
To review the import result, click on Federal, then Income.
The total listed next to Capital Gains or Losses should reflect the total gain or loss reflected in TradeLog (in addition to any other capital gains or losses you have already entered into TaxACT®). Once you complete your online filing you can confirm your short-term and long-term capital gains and losses on the Schedule D form.
NOTE: TaxACT® rounds transactions to the nearest dollar, therefore there may be a small discrepancy in comparing totals from TaxACT® and TradeLog.
You have now finished importing into TaxACT®! If your totals do not look correct, please make sure you have followed all of these steps. You may contact TradeLog support with questions, however TaxACT® is not affiliated with TradeLog, therefore we are limited in the support we can provide.
See our FAQ on How to Prepare Trader Taxes
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