Installation questions? Check out the Installation Support articles.
Current Update:
12/05/2024 - ver
- - improved import and reconciliation
- - improved import settings and user messages
- - added account number to list of accounts in Import Settings drop-down
- - added code to handle cases of no client found
Past Updates:
11/08/2024 - ver
- BrokerConnect - improve speed and error handling
- TradeZero - add CSV import support for options
- TDAmeritrade - combine import with Charles Schwab
10/22/2024 - ver
BrokerConnect (Schwab)
- - fix option ticker, expiration date, and strike price
- - fix option long/short designation
- - faster handling, especially for high-volume traders
- tastyworks - broker name changed to tastytrade in Import Filter, 1099 Reconciliation, etc.
- TDAmeritrade - disabled obsolete BrokerConnect import method
- Improved Login - better error handling for internet and server issues, or when the user enters wrong email/password
- Server software - updated to version 2.5
10/02/2024 - ver
- BrokerConnect - update to fix commissions (Schwab)
09/24/2024 - ver
- - enabled BrokerConnect import method for Charles Schwab
- - improved handling of certain short trades
Trade Type Settings
- - modified to load faster
- - fixed duplication of mutual funds
09/10/2024 - ver
- Centerpoint CSV Import - modify to handle new format
08/23/2024 - ver
- JP Morgan/Chase CSV Import - modify to handle new format for Mutual Funds
- Stock Split (for Options) - when splitting options, set strike price to 2 decimal places so it will match exercise/assign stocks
07/30/2024 - ver
- Schwab CSV Import - modify to handle incorrect +/- for amount and commission
- Improved handling of server errors during login
- Prepare for future updates
06/27/2024 - ver
- Support new Settlement Date rule
- Improve "Update" button logic
- Improve logic for automatic account tab name
- Fix "Open Existing File" link on Welcome screen
05/30/2024 - ver
Improved Login
- - authorization to open a registered file will now be based on email instead of regcode
- - added Beta version indicator
- Fidelity CSV Import - modify to support changes to column headers, buy/sell codes, date format, and commission formula
Change Stock Description to Ticker
- - add function GetTickerSymbol
- - switched to Passiv API
Import Settings
- - highlight previous account selection when opening dialog
- - improve error-handling
- BrokerConnect - updated icon
02/29/2024 - ver
- MTM price lookup - added end of year price look up function for both stocks and options
- Baseline Wizard - fix the suggested import date range prompt
- Improved SSN/EIN input and reporting
- Improved program flow when creating a new file or adding a new account to an existing file
01/30/2024 - ver
- Charles Schwab CSV Import - modify to auto-detect changes in order and/or number of fields
- End Tax Year Survey - added a pop-up survey for all regular customers (not Pro users)
- SSN/EIN on reports - user's SSN or EIN is no longer stored, but rather, allow to add it when running reports
01/19/2024 - ver
- Released 2023 Tax forms
File Import
- - Improved short/long logic for tastyworks
- - Improved short/long logic for Webull
- - Improved short/long logic for E*Trade
User Interface
- - Minor Screen Message updates
- - Updated Support page links in Tradelog
11/10/2023 – ver
- Restore CSV import for TradeStation
- New method for determining software update availability
- Major update of the software updating system
11/07/2023 – ver
- Improved Get Support
- Improved Login
- Improved Robinhood CSV import - added support for both native and Chrome extension files; added support for Robinhood options
- Improved Update Now (on Login dialog) - now indicates if you are up to date or not
- Update button - disabled if the installed version is already up to date
- Improved Charles Schwab import - handles assignment of short buys when not explicit
- Improved BBIO and FUT settings download at startup
- Improved support for restoring default values for Futures, ETFs, and Strategies
6/14/2023 – ver
- TradeLog - checking for offline status more consistent by always use same offline flag as login
- End Tax Year - fix repeat ETY for MTM files where previous ETY was reversed and M records kept
- Error messages - added 44 new error messages for easier troubleshooting. Standardized format of some code comments and compound IF clauses.
- Transfer Open Pos. - modified to fix when W records are split for partially open trade transfers
- Centerpoint CSV import - updated Centerpoint CSV Import to accept new data format
- tastyworks CSV import - add support for futures options in new CSV file format
- - reactivate old code to create Import Filter export file, link it to Import Filter label in Account Setup
4/19/2023 – ver
- MTM for Futures - copy this setting when a new file is created (such as ETY)
- File Save/Edit dialog - Remove RegCode and "unregistered" message
- Exercise/Assign - fix a bug
- JP Morgan Chase import - fix for options; set "Broker Has Time" to false; remove certain invisible characters in CSV file so that TradeLog can parse data correctly
- Centerpoint CSV import - accept either 'TRANSACTION DATE' or 'TRADE DATE' in the header
- Hilltop CSV import - auto-detect the date format of option expiration dates; accept short strike price with no decimal; add support for cancelled trades; add support for flexible assignment so that Auto-Assign Short can be turned off
- MTM Securities Rpt - modify report so that the L & S totals will be correct
3/09/2023 – ver
- Find Date Range - now has Q1-Q4 buttons
- Adjust Cost Basis - now allow VTNs
- Login - Improved error handling, limit 3 attempts/session; add app version & date
- Offline mode - Improved functions, auto-detect during Login
- Misc. Updates - help links, user license
- Vanguard CSV Import - accept new date format
- Summary bar - display total shares/contracts open, P/L, and commission for selected rows
- 1099 Recon - update rules for tastyworks and Webull
1/17/2023 – ver
- Tax Reports - released 2022 tax forms
- BrokerConnect - Update Plaid functions
- Free Trial - better handling of free trials
- Apex CSV Import - handle variations in headers
- BC Import Settings - clearer error messages
1/11/2023 – ver
- About dialog - Fix expiration date
- BrokerConnect - update to work with new version
- Import Setup - save username when click OK
- Centerpoint CSV Import - add support for new data format
- Ally Invest CSV Import - add support for new data format, and fix to skip bad records from broker
- User \ File Keys- fix number of linked file keys
12/14/2022 – ver
- TradeLog - improved support for new subscription management system
- - fix a vulnerability to registry hacking
- - don't save settings when login was cancelled
- - Support international date formats on the splash screen
- - Better handle "null" values in the back office
- - Better error messages when logging in
- - Faster exit when login is cancelled
- - Better handling of international date settings
- - if TDF file stamp email doesn't match, but reg code does, allow the user to open it anyways
- Cobra XLS Import - improved support for new file format
- Import Settings- update Import Setup to get list of broker accounts
- - update Import Setup to save BrokerConnect login name
- - Update all BrokerConnect functions to work with the new back office
12/02/2022 – ver
- TradeLog- updated to support and new subscription management system
- Authentication will no longer request RegCode; Users will enter registered email address and password (same credentials used on for added security features. Click here to learn more about how these changes affect existing subscriptions.
09/30/2022 – ver
- ETrade file import- handle case of option chains when the type is not specified and the expiration date year is formatted as 'YY.
- Wash Sale Detail Report- Clarify message when there are no wash sale deferrals.
- - also update text in wash sale details report for clarity.
- Import Settings- Clarify error message when customer email and/or regcode is not found in TradeLog customers database.
09/07/2022 – ver
- BrokerConnect- add code to recognize different ways of reporting Warrants.
- Import Settings- improve user interface by preventing invalid entries; instantly load account dropdown based on username.
- Get Current Prices- updated to obtain latest stock prices for open positions.
- IB CSV Import- add code to handle options with a space in the underlying ticker (e.g. "RDS A").
- Pershing XLS Import- add support for importing Pershing XLS download files.
- Transfer Open Pos.- modified to handle wash sale deferrals attached to a split open position.
- Charles Schwab CSV Import- remove commas from quantity field before importing.
- Messages- fixed spelling errors, grammar in messages.
- - adjusted width as necessary.
- - changed most to complete sentences.
05/27/2022 – ver
- Import Settings- added message for free trial users.
- - updated to work with latest BrokerConnect API calls.
- Manual Edit- handle blank price field like amount, shares.
- - change default multiplier for FUT types from 1 to 100.
- Vision Import- support importing from new XLSx file format.
04/11/2022 – ver
- G/L Report- fix for special case involving long-term trades.
- Robinhood CSV Import- better handling for malformed records.
- Account/Import Setting- moved SLConvert, etc. from Import to Account Settings.
- 1099 Recon for tastyworks- provide default settings.
- Consolidate Partial Fills- allow users to select either maximum (previous default) or careful consolidation (to avoid altering wash sales).
- WS Exemptions- fix bug related to unequal open/close amounts.
- Open Positions- improve speed.
- Centerpoint/Clear Street CSV Import- accept field headers which may or may not have leading/trailing space.
- - also accept option tickers with more than one space between underlying ticker and expiration date.
- Performance Report- allow users to report on a date range.
- File Import, multiple brokers- trades skipped due to the date already imported will no longer be logged as an error.
- Pro Users- fix for Pro regcodes which were purchased on Feb. 29th during a leap year.
- Delete Selected Records- delete records without closing/reopening the file.
- Import Limits - allow importing past 12/31 for MTM accounts and past 1/31 for other accounts; do not allow importing past 10/16 for any type of account.
- OFX Date Range - only apply OFX date range limits when operating in Legacy BC mode; otherwise, no restrictions for the new BrokerConnect.
- Manual Record Edit/Enter - if a user manually edits/enters a record with a blank amount, allow him to fix it before proceeding.
- IB File Import- fix a bug which allowed duplicated imports under certain conditions.
- Open Positions- fix a bug when running after import or multiple times.
- Robinhood CSV Import- add support for new BTO, STC codes, as well as new option ticker format in the CSV files.
03/08/2022 – ver
- E*Trade Import- add support for new CSV data format.
- - add support for new mutual funds.
- Error messages- fixed a spelling error.
02/28/2022 – ver
- Robinhood Import- add support for rhtocsv Chrome extension.
- Webull 1099 Report- add default values for checkboxes.
- CenterPoint Import- add support for new broker.
- IB Import- add support for warrants.
- Updates- do not reset Quickstart setting after every update.
- - also, do not launch User Guide web page after every update.
- Adj Code- fix for spurious L/S values in the AdjCode column.
- Broker Update- change COR to Axos.
01/24/2022 – ver
- BrokerConnect button- fix logic so that it is only enabled for brokers which are reported to be working.
01/21/2022 – ver
- 2021 Tax Year Reporting- Unlocked 2021 Tax Year forms/reports.
- Added to 8949 Statement of differences page- reference to Customer selected WS settings.
- Broker Connect V20- Added Framework for continued testing.
- Legacy Broker Connect option- For those still able to connect to Fidelity or ETrade in V19, added Legacy BrokerConnect (Fidelity/E*Trade) checkbox to Trade Type Settings.
- Fixed Various Bugs including:
- - Performance Review results
- - Manual Loop Error
- - International Account Error
12/23/2021 – ver
- Software certificate- addressing some antivirus suite warnings.
- Morgan Stanley Import- fixed import bug for XLS/XLSX files
- Trade Type Settings- fixed bug related to adding ETFs
- Copy/Paste- fixed bug related to Option Ticker column
12/06/2021 – ver
- Excel Import- better error message if bad data found.
- ETF/ETN Trade Types- automatically download descriptions.
- Fidelity CSV Import- update to handle bond "call make whole".
- Global Settings- removed 3 deprecated settings.
- Help for Import- broker-specific import help.
- Trade Type Settings- add descriptions for default ETFs.
- Import Setup- enable for all brokers except "Other".
- Theme Setting- save skin selection for next use.
10/20/2021 – ver
- File Import- enable for all brokers.
10/18/2021 – ver
- New version- initial release of version 20.
10/18/2021 – ver
- ver 19.2.3- option to upgrade to version 20.
06/24/2021 – ver
- Vision CSV Import- update to support change in transaction verbs.
- Change Description to Ticker- update to support change in format of financial data.
04/21/2021 – ver
- JP Morgan Chase Import- modify to support change in data format.
- 8949 Report- allow users to run this report with filtered data.
02/02/2021 – ver
- 2020 Tax Reports- users can now ETY 2020 tax files and generate finalized reports.
- End Tax Year- user can now ETY but keep the existing Next Year File if desired.
- Matched Lot function- after matching records, restore filter to previous state.
- 8949 Report- fix "reference totals" so that actual G/L always matches G/L Report.
- XLS/XLSX file imports- add support for computers which don't have Excel installed.
12/29/2020 – ver
- J P Morgan/Chase Import- add support for variations in expiration date format of options.
- OFX Imports- add support for variations in expiration date format of options.
- Recon Report- allow $0 (no tax) reports to be run.
11/27/2020 – ver
- TradeZero Import- update support for rebates, new file format.
- Charles Schwab Import- update support for reinvestment shares.
- XLS download file Import- improve support for XLS download files.
- Morgan Stanley Import- add support for dividend reinvestments.
10/27/2020 – ver
- Morgan Stanley Import- add support for XLS/XLSX download files.
- Charles Schwab Import- BrokerConnect disabled, use download files.
- Cobra/Wedbush Import- add support for XLS/XLSX download files.
09/30/2020 – ver
- TradeZero Import- improve handling of out-of-order trades.
- QFX Import- improve support for Wealthfront QFX format.
- Auto-Fix Option Ticker- force 2-digit day of month in FUT expiration dates.
- TradeZero Import- support new csv file format.
- Vision Financial Import- support new csv file format.
09/15/2020 – ver
- TDAmeritrade CSV Import- auto-fix expiration date format.
- BoA/Merrill Import- expand support for REINV SHRS.
08/17/2020 – ver
- ETrade Import- add header code to web post.
07/28/2020 – ver
- T.Rowe Price Import- add support for CSV import.
- ABC Code for DCY- use manual ABC codes for DCY trades on Form 8949.
- Account Import- added warning to prevent misuse.
- Fidelity Import- distinguish between server error and no data.
- Centerpoint-Hilltop Import- fixes for open/close, short/long, and strike price (options).
- J P Morgan Chase Import- add support for new date format.
07/06/2020 – ver
- Centerpoint-Hilltop Securities Import- new CSV import.
- Investrade Import- streamline user interface (one less click).
- Fidelity Import- better error message when Fidelity server experiences problems.
- Potential Wash Sale Report- better handle cases of Stock/Option Wash Sales.
06/26/2020 – ver
- Robinhood CSV Import- new CSV import for Robinhood users.
06/10/2020 – ver
- Vanguard CSV- modify to handle new date format.
- Fidelity BC- update automatic download.
- Backup/Restore- fixes to user interface.
- Potential WS- allow for last 30 days, even after EoY.
- Recon 1099- reset Option Sales after MTM 4797 report.
04/09/2020 – ver
- Free Trial Version- allow opening sample file.
- Merrill Edge Import- support new format of DRIPs.
03/16/2020 – ver
- 8949 Report- update to support larger totals.
- Investrade Import- update to support CSV download.
- 1099 Recon Report- update settings for BoA, E*Trade.
- Lightspeed Import- remove old unsupported method.
- E*Trade CSV Import- fix dividend reinvestments (DRIPs).
01/27/2020 – ver
- updated graphics- Your Trading. Your Taxes.
- IB Import- change Web import to file download.
01/20/2020 – ver
- 2019 Tax Forms- release 2019 forms.
- Charles Schwab Import- better error messages.
- Webull Import- add support for new broker.
- J P Morgan Chase Import- add support for new date format.
- Ninja CSV Import- add support for AM/PM time format.
8/19/2019 – ver
- End Tax Year- handle case of open VTN in MTM account.
- Improve Type auto-fix- handle case of same ticker in FUT and ETF.
- Lightspeed CSV Import- fix sorting of trades by time.
- MTM Securities Report- fix Copy button (was missing one row).
- J P Morgan Chase Import- add support for new CSV format, options, and cancels.
- Ally Invest Import- add support for short trade codes.
- Stock Split- fix to work with VTN splits.
5/02/2019 – ver
- Vision Financial- update import for options, long/short.
- JP Morgan Chase- fix imported commissions.
3/26/2019 – ver
- Ally Invest- update import to support new data format.
2/27/2019 – ver
- End Tax Year- remove unneeded message.
- autofix type- add UNDO support.
2/21/2019 – ver
- MTM/4797 Report- fix title on report.
- File Association- fix error when double-clicking a TDF file.
2/12/2019 – ver
- Blank Type- check types when opening file; if blank, offer to fix automatically.
- Change Description to Ticker- improved this function.
- Fidelity- import 40-character description for CUSIP trades.
- Baseline Wizard- fix for currency holdings.
- Tradier- new broker import.
- Form 4797 Report- update to more closely match IRS.
- Morgan Stanley- update Morgan Stanley import.
- SSN/EIN Security- additional security features.
- QFX- update QFX import.
1/28/2019 – ver
- 2018 Tax Year Reporting- Unlocked 2018 Tax Year forms/reports.
- SSN/EIN Security- enhanced encryption security for optional SSN/EIN entry.
- File Edit- displays linked registration details for files.
- Help- all help documentation is now online.
- NinjaTrader- update CSV import.
- Potential Wash Sales Report- filter out VTNs, wash sales do not apply.
- IRA Wash Sales- improved search routine in -30 day window.
- PRO Functions- enhanced File Key confirmation for TradeLog PRO users.
9/21/2018 – ver
- TD Ameritrade, Schwab, E*TRADE BrokerConnect- updated OFX import to pull Sun to Sat periods for improved option data performance.
- TD Ameritrade- updated import filter to better identify invalid option ticker errors not reported by TD Ameritrade because of expiration.
- VTNs on 8949 Report- enable Corporate 8949 Report for MTM accounts with VTNs as long as it isn't an IRA also.
6/15/2018 – ver
- Global Options- add text to clarify ETN, VTN and CTN.
- Wash Sale Detail Report- fix enable for corporate customers.
6/04/2018 – ver
- New ETF Types- initial release for CTN and VTN support.
- Global Options- update default ETF list.
- Update Currency, MTM reports- to work with CTN/VTN types.
4/10/2018 – ver
- Edit Trade- add DCY to Types list.
- Short Sales- settle in 2 days now.
3/26/2018 – ver
- Ally Invest Import- initial CSV import.
- End Tax Year- fix bug for standard users.
3/13/2018 – ver
- Cor/Speedtrader Import- support field headers with or without double quotes.
- Charles Schwab Import- add support for prices greater than $999.99.
- End Tax Year- automatically support renewal RegCodes.
- WS Detail Report- automatically filter out MTM accounts.
- Digital Currency- initial support for digital currency trades.
- 1099-B Recon Report- update settings for 2017 for BoA/Merrill and Scottrade.
- Vision Financial Import- improved support for short trades.
- Unconverted Files- restore the ability to run reports on unconverted files.
1/30/2018 – ver
- IB Import- modify to work with new IB BrokerConnect specs.
1/26/2018 – ver
- 2017 Tax Year- release 2017 tax forms.
- Fidelity Import- fix BrokerConnect for Fidelity.
01/19/2018 – ver
- End Tax Year- if ETY fails or is aborted, release File Key license.
12/21/2017 – ver
- tastyworks Import- fix option ticker expiration date format.
12/20/2017 – ver
- tastyworks Import- add support for importing tastyworks CSV files.
- Detail and Summary Reports- automatically filter dates before end of year as long as no date filter has been previously selected.
- Vision Financial Import- autodetect CSV file format from header row; auto-assign short trades as needed.
11/21/2017 – ver
- Reports- add warning when user runs potential wash sales report for only one of multiple accounts.
11/16/2017 – ver
- Import COR/Speedtrader- autodetect CSV file format from header row.
- Display Time column- for brokers which report trade time, ask user before enabling Time column.
10/25/2017 – ver
- OFX Import- analyze OFX errors for possible web-unsafe password characters.
10/09/2017 – ver
- IB Import- warn when user needs to import one month at a time.
- E*Trade/OptionsHouse- remove trailing zeros from fractional part of strike price where applicable.
10/06/2017 – ver
- E*Trade/OptionsHouse- upgrade CSV import to handle mixed formats.
- Digital Certificate- updated digital signature.
09/29/2017 – ver
- OptionsHouse- allow import of OptionsHouse legacy data in ETrade accounts.
- CSV Imports- improve handling of quoted text fields.
- SLConvert during Import- fix commission and amount when splitting combined Short/Long trade during import.
- Merrill Edge/BoA Import- add support for new format.
08/31/2017 – ver
- CSV Imports- improve handling of quoted text fields.
- SLConvert during Import- fix commission and amount when splitting combined Short/Long trade during import.
- Merrill Edge/BoA Import- add support for new format.
07/31/2017 – ver
- TradeZero (CSV)- add new broker import.
- Vision Financial (CSV)- add new broker import.
- Apex Import- improve flexibility for trade dates.
- Ninja Trader (CSV)- improve Date/Time handling.
- Broker Connect (OFX)- use SECNAME for more options.
06/26/2017 – ver
- ETC Import (CSV)- add support for new file format.
- Open Trades- fix get current prices function to work with new price quote services.
- Potential Wash Sale Report- enable in All Accounts when at least one account is not MTM.
- Broker Connect (OFX)- get CALL/PUT from SECNAME when possible.
- Broker Connect (OFX)- get Expiration Date from SECNAME only for weekly or PM options.
05/16/2017 – ver
- TDAmeritrade Import- change to support new format of weekly options.
- File Keys- no longer require a File Key to open, convert or create a file (only to End the Tax Year).
- Change Ticker- automatically rematch affected tickers.
- 1099 Reconciliation Report- fix text for MTM accounts.
- Potential Wash Sale Report- disable for MTM accounts.
- Free Trial version- fix functions supported in Free Trial.
- List File Keys- now also shows number available as well as used.
- View Time column- no longer overrides if user disables this column.
- Charles Schwab Import- fix for new bonds format.
- Get Support- allow up to 3 additional attachments.
- TradeKing Import- add support for short option assigns.
04/12/2017 – ver
- Taxpayer names- fix to support period after middle initial.
- Change Ticker- fix option to only rematch affected tickers.
- File Password- fix password check / reset in new opening code.
- Open File- only update Pro Header if Accountant RegCode is changed.
04/04/2017 – ver
- End Tax Year- allow files properly licensed under expired RegCode.
- Open File- improve logic for checking RegCode before loading file.
04/02/2017 – ver
- End Tax Year- fix for files previously registered under an old RegCode.
- Reverse ETY- fix so server logs accurately track reversing end tax year
- File New- fix to recognize available File Keys properly.
03/31/2017 – ver
- End Tax Year- improve logic for using File Keys based on server logs
- Toolbar- improve spacing for users with lower-resolution screens
- Account Import- fix bug which was combining file headers
- BoA/Merrill Lynch- add support for importing fractional share sales, reinvestment shares.
- Free Trial- fixes for Get Support, file open.
03/16/2017 – ver
- Free Trial- fixes for Get Support, file open.
- BoA/Merrill Lynch Import- add support for trade corrections.
- Open File- fix for changing file registration.
03/08/2017 – ver
- Weekly Options Import- update to support another weekly option format variation from CBOE.
- Bank of America (BoA)/Merrill Lynch Import- update to support changes in option format.
- EULA- update to cover testimonials.
- Apex Import- update to support change in option ticker format.
- SpeedTrader Import- update to support new CSV format.
- Get Support- allow customer to attach XLS, CSV or TXT file (in addition to PDF) if desired.
- Compatibility- minor changes to improve backward-compatibility.
02/23/2017 – ver
- Broker Connect- allow date range for MTM imports beyond the end of the year.
- Year End Check List- add Check List button to toolbar on main form.
- File Edit- fix so that old File Keys remain on their original RegCode.
- Report Menu- fix Individual/Corporate distinction.
- File Edit- fix so it properly shows current EIN/SSN setting.
- Free Trial- fix Splash screen for non-US customers.
02/20/2017 – ver
- Report PDFs- remove DRAFT watermark from 2016 reports.
- Baseline Wizard- when the user continues by clicking Restore List, enable the Next button without adding more records.
- Open File- automatically fix trades with double types by dropping the first one.
- Import- allow all accounts (cash or MTM) to import up to 10/16 of the next year prior to ending the current tax year.
- Weekly/monthly options- workaround for CBOE weekly and monthly options which no longer have the correct expiration date in the data stream.
02/02/2017 – ver
- File Open- allow files with certain errors to be opened.
- Apex CSV Import- add support for new 2017 format.
01/31/2017 – ver
- Copyright notice- changed copyright to Cogenta Computing, Inc., 2017
01/30/2017 – ver
- 8949 Report- simplify warning about Draft before end tax year.
- Release 2016 version, update Tax Forms- update and release 2016 tax forms.
01/24/2017 – ver
- Software Update- improve new release detection.
- 1099 Recon Report- fix option sales adjustment.
- IB Import- allow Broker Connect date range to cross end of calendar year (e.g. December 31st to January 1st).
01/06/2017 – ver
- Trial Files- fix bug related to opening trial mode file by a registered user.
- Get Support- improved security when obtaining user email address.
- File Save- minor change to make sure trades are always sorted properly at the moment they are saved to a file.
- Futures- when the user changes the FUT multiplier for a given ticker in Global Options, Tradelog will update existing trades of that ticker and adjust the number of contracts according to the new multiplier.
- File Keys- make sure there is an available license before opening a file created in trial mode.
11/29/2016 – ver
- File Keys- display error message if File Key registration fails.
- MTM- make sure that Pro users have access to all MTM functions.
- Sample File- limit to 400 records and disable year end, file edit functions.
- End Tax Year- added support for year end MTM prices remaining in file after Reverse End Tax Year.
- Reverse End Tax Year- no longer uses a separate BAK file; asks user if MTM records should be kept or not.
- Pro Users- give warning when opening a Trial file before using a Pro license.
- TradeStation- add support for security code.
- Scottrade- fix for CSV import.
- Exercise/Assign- change user interface; use checkbox instead of yes/no dialog for manual/auto assign.
- Exercise/Assign- fix bug which allowed TradeLog to crash in certain cases.
- Exercise/Assign- allow user to permanently skip options as well as stocks.
- Edit multiple records- automatically rematch trades when certain fields are changed by the user.
- New BBIOs on Open- trim leading/trailing spaces in the underlying ticker if present.
- Wash Sales- update to better handle wash sales from short options closed at a loss attached to lone open stock shares short or long.
10/25/2016 – ver
- Scottrade CSV Import- update to handle changes in upper/lowercase, and to skip expired/assigned options.
- BoA/Merrill import- update to support new CSV file format.
- Baseline Wizard import- skip records with blank date.
- Exercise/Assign- trap records with bad account numbers.
- End Tax Year- small speed improvement.
10/05/2016 – ver
- Tradestation BrokerConnect import- updated for changes to login page html.
- Vanguard csv import- updated to support OPRA option symbols.
10/04/2016 – ver
- 1099 Recon- do not automatically check 'Sales Adjusted for Option Premiums' box when the broker is BOA or Merrill.
- Stock Split- fix bug for when split ratio is less than 1:1.
- Sample File- update to work with new beta.
- End Tax Year- fix bug when user wishes to end the tax year without entering a SSN or EIN.
- Open File- Check to see if file name matches file header during open; if not, warn user and give him a chance to fix it.
- Trial User- Fix case of newly-registered trial user with password in file who gets it wrong the first time he opens it using his new RegCode.
09/01/2016 – ver
- Summary Report- fix bug affecting sold date for long trades.
- Copy/Paste- fix bug when selecting certain combination of visible-only columns.
- End Tax Year- ask user to enter SSN/EIN if none.
- File Edit- make it clear password is optional; improve handling of SSN/EIN/None options.
- Import Morgan Stanley- add support for Morgan Stanley CSV import.
- Copy Button- fix bug in toolbar Copy button.
- BrokerConnect- update Scottrade import to work with latest broker webpage changes.
- Get Current Prices- Improve function to get stock prices on a specific date and to assign $0.00 to expired options.
- Renumber Trades- fix for rematching W Recs when the first trade is closed.
- Get Current Price- update to work with latest internet format.
07/21/2016 – ver
- Get Current Price- update to work with latest internet price data format.
07/15/2016 – ver
- End Tax Year- improve matching of W records in NextYear file.
- Reverse ETY- fix for use with older, unencrypted files.
- 1099 Recon- improve MTM short sales adjustment to match more closely.
07/06/2016 – ver
- 1099 Recon- fix MTM short sales adjustment.
- Insert record- fix to prevent cursor from freezing.
- G/L Report- enhance Copy by adding line numbers and comments.
- OFX Import- improve trade matching during OFX imports.
- File\New- allow user to select TaxYear without code from Support.
06/21/2016 – ver
- File\Edit- require code from Support to change Tax Year.
- OFX Import- fix to match existing W records properly.
- Change ABC Code- fix to prevent cursor freezing.
- IB Import- fix to prevent freezing if there is a problem with the user's account.
- Edit \ Adjust Cost Basis- add option to adjust per share as well as per trade.
06/06/2016 – ver
- Help\Update- fix to prevent freezing when user checks for updates and finds none.
- Account\Import- fix to work properly when current file is empty.
05/24/2016 – ver
- G/L and 8949 Reports- fix for short sales closed at a loss last 3 days of previous year not showing on G/L and Form 8949.
05/16/2016 – ver
- OFX Import- make error messages clearer.
- Potential Wash Sales Report- fixed additional information links.
- Charles Schwab Import- modified to handle quoted strings containing commas.
- Import button- disable import button on All Accounts tab after OFX import.
- Taxpayer / File names- allow 0 (zero) character in names.
- Open Positions- users may now type in as-of date and hit ENTER key to accept.
- Account\Import- added support for importing multi-account files.
- Negative Shares- improved speed of the negative shares display and the Edit\Force Match function.
- Lightspeed Import- better import for de-listed stocks.
- Open\Convert- fix bug: save password during convert.
- Get Support- update for year-round support use.
04/15/2016 – ver
- Get Support for this File- allow user to attach 1099 if desired.
- BaseLine Wizard- prevent errors caused by failing to click Add.
- Adjust Cost Basis- update to support adjusting multiple rows.
04/12/2016 – ver
- File Open (Convert)- allow users to re-convert the same file if something goes wrong the first time.
- MB Trading- update to support new MB Trading CSV import format.
- Gains/Losses Report- fix to allow report from All Accounts tab.
- Recon 1099 Report- display warning before fixing 1099 Recon report settings.
- - set check boxes on 1099 Recon report for known brokers.
- - fix to reset OptionSales when running report multiple times.
- MTM/Form 4797 Report- fix to display short-term sales, costs, and gains for MTM.
03/30/2016 – ver
- Zero Multiplier Error- fix to detect zeros in all types, not just futures.
03/28/2016 – ver
- Name on Reports- add support for period in name.
- Account Delete- fix for when the remaining account has no trades.
- End Tax Year- fix for files which have trades after 1/31 of the next year.
03/23/2016 – ver
- End Tax Year- allow End Tax Year for File Keys which have been previously registered.
- File Password Reset- added function to reset password of customer file.
- IB BrokerConnect import- updated format of messages returned from IB server when download fails.
03/19/2016 – ver
- IB BrokerConnect import- updated for new IB / TradeLog Service API which does not log in via IB website for trade history downloads - much faster and more secure.
- Fidelity BrokerConnect import- update to wait until report complete before downloading and fix for non_Investment account types.
- Vanguard Import- improved support for short trades.
- File, New/Edit- added support for hyphenated names, and numbers, and "&" char.
- File, Open- fix for converting older files.
- File, Save- add support for to save when Adding or Editing records.
File, End Tax Year- improved matching of W records in next tax year file.
- fixed EOutOfMemory error when running on very large files.
03/07/2016 – ver
- File, List File Keys- added menu item so users can see list of File Keys registered in our back office.
- File, New- allow creating a file if taxpayer name already exists.
- File, Open- improved test for encrypted files.
- File, Open/Convert- allow unlimited conversions for current subscribers.
- End Tax Year- do not register File Key of next year file till ending next tax year.
- MTM Report- fixed account label on Securities Marked to Market.
03/02/2016 – ver
- Baseline Positions Wizard- fixed error when there is no records to import for a specific date range.
- End Tax Year- simplified the way File Keys are handled when ending the tax year.
- 1099 Reconciliation Report- updated notes for reconciliation problems.
02/29/2016 – ver
- 1099 Reconciliation report- fix for MTM notes being included when account is not MTM and added note that 1099 gross sales may not ever reconcile.
- Report close- fixed screen position of main window so it stays in whatever screen the report was run from in a multi-monitor setup.
02/26/2016 – ver
- End Tax Year- fix bug when ending tax year and new year has no trades in it. Also fixed problem with open Futures in cash accounts.
- Pro Version- added prompt to use client File Key when ending tax year.
- Get Help- fixed problem with emails not being received by support.
02/24/2016 – ver
- End Tax Year- fix trade matching in next year file.
- Open Positions- clear grid after deleting records.
02/21/2016 – ver
- Tradestation BrokerConnect import- streamlined login and updated for changes to website.
- Reverse ETY- resets File Key.
- Reports - Save as PDF- remove watermark from 2015 PDF.
02/18/2016 – ver
- End Tax Year- fix handling of File Key for new tax year.
- Non-Pro Version- Do not ask for RegCode, just use the one registered.
- File, Open- Use hourglass cursor while checking file data version.
02/10/2016 – ver
Pro version- updated File, Open / Convert File Key registration.
- Added "List File Keys" menu item to File menu. - End Tax Year- fix for newly created next year file trade matching bug.
- Undo- enabled the Undo button for files that have exceeded the subscription record limit.
02/03/2016 – ver
- File, New- creates encrypted files and registers them automatically.
- Futures Report- fix for missing EIN/SSN and TaxYear on Futures report
- EIN/SSN- read/save EIN/SSN from file rather than from Regsitry.
01/29/2016 – ver
- Finalized 2015 version of form 8949- allow users to end the 2015 tax year.
- Add MTM support to TradeLog 1500- allow TradeLog 1500 users to use MTM accounting methods.
- Fixed links on splash page- allow users to access online resources.
- Fix File Conversion issues- fixed bugs related to converting files.
- Prevent UNDO ETY- disable undo button after end of year is done.
01/19/2016 – ver
- Trial Users- auto-register File Keys when a software license is purchased.
- Import Account- added ability to import a single account form an unconverted TradeLog file.
01/15/2016 – ver
- File, Edit - Optional Password- new feature to allow users to password-protect their files.
- Account Edit- fixed bug when edit is cancelled.
- Get Help - Send Files- updated so name and email gets pulled from back office.
- Taxpayer name- updated to handle LLC, III, and II.
- Name on Reports- update so Taxpayer name is used on all reports rather than registered user name.
- Edit record ticker- updated so trades get rematched.
- Etrade BrokerConnect import- added code to assure "Log On" button gets clicked.
01/05/2016 – ver
- File, End Tax Year- update for checking available File Keys.
- ETrade BrokerConnect import- update for change in login page html.
01/01/2016 – ver
- TradeLog Website Unavailable- added warning message and disabled File, Open and File, Convert functions when website is unavailable.
12/23/2015 – ver
- Send Files- fixed bug for new website.
- Account, Delete- fix for ver 14.5 bug when deleting accounts.
- Conversion bugs- support files which contain quotes in text fields.
- - save converted files in the same folder as the original.
- - restore backed up files into the original folder, create folder if does not exist.
- File, Edit- updated to allow file renaming, and social security/ EIN changes.
- File, End Tax Year- update for checking available File Keys.
- Notes column- fixed bug when using quote characters in notes.
- MTM bug- update so new TradeLog unlimited record version includes MTM support.
- File Open- update for opening files created by a previous RegCode after renewing TradeLog subscription and getting new RegCode.
12/11/2015 – ver
- Send Files- updated for new website security.
- Trial Version Files- fixed problems opening files with registered version when file was created with Trial version.
- Opening files without converting- updated message to clarify what you can do with an unconverted file.
12/09/2015 – ver
- File Convert- updated file conversion allowing current subscribers to convert an unlimited number of files without purchasing additional File Keys.
12/08/2015 – ver
- Major Update- see what's new in this major version release.
12/04/2015 – ver
- Move record- updated to renumber and recheck for errors after moving record up or down.
- Add record- improved handling of Add when grid is filtered by ticker.
- Form 8949 report- fix for incorrect 8949 boxes D, E, F in form footer.
- Form 8949 report- updated TXF export message for tax files after 2012.
- Baseline Positions Wizard- updated to better support brokers with AutoAssign Shorts turned on.
- Negative Shares- improved handling of throughout the program.
11/12/2015 – ver
- New CSV imports- added import filters for ETC Clearing, SpeedTrader (Cor Clearing), and SpeedTrader Pro (ETC Clearing).
- ETrade BrokerConnect import- fixed login to ignore adware scripts.
- Fidelity BrokerConnect import- trap warning message "using social security number as username.".
- File, End Tax Year- updated matching of next year file.
- Edit, Cut- updated for speed.
- Edit, Match Tax Lots- updated so cannot match records with different Tickers, Type/Mult, or Long/Short.
- Neg Share Warning- updated to find closed trades with negative share records.
10/15/2015 – ver
- Report, 1099 Reconciliation- fix so wash sales do not change year end short sales for MTM accounts; fix for MTM Futures for MTM accounts.
- Report, Form 8949 and G&L- fix for ETLFile error bug which crept in in ver
10/14/2015 – ver
- Edit, Match Tax Lots- update so open records must come before close records when matching lots.
- Report, Securities MTM- fix so Form 4797 Short-Term Total is correct when short sales are closed at year end.
- Report, 1099 Reconciliation- fix so wash sales do not change year end short sales for MTM accounts.
- Report, Realized P&L- fix for running report multiple times from individual account tab.
- Find, Duplicates- updated for large numbers of duplicates.
- TDAmeritrade import- updated for AutoAssign Short Options on import only.
- Fidelity BrokerConnect import- fix for new csv download url and added warning message for VIP Access.
- Scottrade csv import- fix for stripping of zeros from option strike prices.
10/01/2015 – ver
- File, New- fix for menu item being disabled if End Tax Year has been completed on the file.
- Adding/Editing records- fix for non standard date windows formats and wrong ticker displayed before saving file to disk.
- ETrade BrokerConnect import- added code to trap errors due to Adware on Etrade login page.
- Fidelity BrokerConnect import- added code to trap error messages from Fidelity website and display message to user.
- Account Add/Import- fix for Account Add/Import errors when adding accounts from the All accounts tab.
- Sec 481 report- fix for hourglass cursor locking out program.
- Form4797 report- fix for showing all accounts on report header rather than only the MTM accounts, and removed Filter text from report header.
- Reports- updated for better memory management when running and cancelling reports.
- Importing- fix for "Cannot Import Trades Past 12/31.." popup when importing into a blank account.
- G&L report- fix for missing wash sales on short options triggered by options closed later than 01/31 of next tax year, also fixed problem with missing short-term trades when copying reports.
09/10/2015 – ver
- Check for Stock Descriptions- updated function so when importing it does not check other accounts.
- Account, Edit- fixed problem where account name changes when editing account tab, and fix for SLConvert so it does not automatically check AutoAssign Shorts.
- Reports, Copy to Clipboard- updated for speed.
- Potential Wash Sale report- fix for missing option wash sales attached to open stock trade, and to support multi-page reports.
- BOA/Merrill import- updated to allow users to check AutoAssign Shorts - default is unchecked.
- Etrade BrokerConnect import- updated to better handle Etrade login error messages.
- Lightspeed BrokerConnect import- updated to trap invalid account errors.
- optionsHouse import- updated to now use tradeMONSTER import.
- Scottrade BrokerConnect import- updated for changes to login page html.
08/12/2015 – ver
- End Tax Year- disable menus when End Tax Year has been run on the file.
- All Trades button- fixed profit/loss bar data.
- BrokerConnect import- fixed hourglass cursor when displaying BrokerConnect dialog box.
- File, Open- fixed problems with profit/loss display and Reports menu filter for the All Accounts tab when first opening file.
- Neg Shares window- fixed problem when double-clicking on record in neg shares window, and then adding or editing records.
08/08/2015 – ver
- Check for Neg Shares- updated negative shares check from 4 to 5 decimals.
- File, End Tax Year- optimized for speed and fixed bug when W recs from previous year need to move forward to next year.
- BOA/Merrill import- updated for client entered trades.
- Edit, Delete Selected Records- optimized for speed.
- Edit, Record(s)- updated to support editing multiple records.
- Edit, Assign Notes- added Assign Notes function to assign the same notes to multiple records.
07/30/2015 – ver
- Edit, Delete All Records- updated for speed.
- Edit, Toggle Short/Long- updated for speed.
- File, Open- fix for Edit menu not disabled on ALL tab when first opening file.
- Vanguard import- updated for Dividend Reinvestments.
- Quick Tour video option- added message to view Quick Tour video when first running TradeLog.
- Account, Transfer Open Positions- updated to better handle W recs attached to partially open trades.
07/21/2015 – ver
- Edit, Copy Selected Records- optimized copy selected records for speed.
- Import- updated check for canceled trades not matched.
- File, Open- fix to make sure Edit menu is disabled on All Accounts tab after opening file.
- Neg Share Warning- fix to select record with neg shares after double-clicking on record in Neg Share Warning window, and to keep showing the Warning window.
07/17/2015 – ver
- Edit, Exercise/Assign- fixed bug when trying to skipping multiple stock records from assignment.
- Edit, Delete Selected Records- fixed bug when deleting from Error window.
07/15/2015 – ver Speed Optimization.
- File, Open- optimized profit/loss calculations when opening file.
- Add/Insert/Edit/Import- optimized routines to increase speed when dealing with large files.
- Apex import- added support for mini options.
- File, End Tax Year- fixed internal error with large data files with large numbers of wash sale deferrals.
- File, Backup/Restore- misc update.
07/09/2015 – ver
- File, Backup/Restore- updated routine.
- File, 1-4- fixed problem where last four files menu items disappear.
- BrokerConnect import- fix for "Invalid Account Number" message when cancelling import.
Help, Register- fix for when user clicks cancel and TradeLog goes into Trial mode.
Fix for Windows short date formats other than "mm/dd/yyyy" - Edit, Adjust for Stock Split- fix for comma bug when shares to split are in the thousands.
- Find, Duplicate Trades- updated so it searches the entire file without having to enter a ticker.
06/30/2015 – ver
- SLConvert / Force Match Trades- fixed problem where commission does not get split properly when splitting trades. For example if 1500 shares needs to be splt into 100 shares and 500 shares, 1/3 of the comm was going to the 1000 share record while 2/3 went to the 500 share record, which should be just the opposite.
- Goldman Sachs import- update to match and delete cancelled trades, and to recalculate prices rounded to the nearest cent by broker.
- Charles Schwab import- updated BrokerConnect import to better handle missing stock tickers.
- Trade Detail reports- updated to run faster.
- Edit, Option Exercise/Assign- fix for multiple W records attached to option trade.
- Edit, Change Stock Descriptions to Tickers- fix so Exercised options do not show as stock tickers needing to be changed.
06/26/2015 – ver
- Edit, Force Match Trades- updated to only match filtered or selected records.
- Edit, Option Exercise/Assign- fix for multiple W records attached to option trade.
- Edit, Consolidate Partial Fills- updated for single account account files and added popup messages when complete.
- Edit, Change Stock Descriptions to Tickers- much faster routine to lookup tickers from the web.
- Fidelity import- updated to better handle cancellation trades, and imports stock descriptions rather than cusips so these can be automatically looked up and changed.
- Apex Clearing import- updated for new Apex Activity.csv file - see:Apex Clearing Import Guide.
- BOA/Merril import- fixed bug in ver records are imported with wrong prices.
- Cobra import- updated to match and delete Cancelled trades, and import Descriptions rather than Cusips.
- Cor Clearing import- updated to better handle Cancelled trades.
- tradeMONSTER import- updated to better handle options - delete trailing zeros from option strike prices and do not autoassign shorts for Broad-based index options.
- Check for Update- check for update on start up only if 8 hours has passed since last check.
06/01/2015 – ver
- File, Backup/Restore- update so Backup is not disabled after completing a backup so another backup can be performed to a different backup file location.
- Account, Edit- updated so user entered account name does not change back to filter text.
- Fidelity BrokerConnect import- updated Fidelity BrokerConnect Import.
- BOA/Merrill csv import- update to grab short sale and cover short info from Description2 column, and Fix Trades Out of Order; fixed bug importing trades with prices with commas (ie: $1,020.47).
- Wash Sales- fix for bug introduced in version for multiple repurchase trades on the same loss trade that need to be changed to Long-Term due to wash sale holding period.
- Edit, Consolidate Partial Fills- added new function to consolidate partial fills to lessen the total number of records in an account.
- End Tax Year- fixed problem with large files causing memory errors, and streamlined procedure to speed up the process.
05/07/2015 – ver
- OptionsHouse import- update to automatically use TradeMONSTER import filter.
- tradeMONSTER csv import- update to import exercise records.
- Vanguard csv import- update for missing trades.
- Edit, Split Trade Record- added new function to split one record into two records.
- Exercise/Assign- added a Skip button to mark stocks which were not acquired through exercising an option. Update to properly exercise Broad-Based Index Options.
04/23/2015 – ver
- Exercise/Assign- fixed problem where another option gets exercised when exercising a different option after selecting the stock and option records.
04/17/2015 – ver
- File, Reverse End Tax Year- renamed menu item as File, Unlock / Reverse End Tax Year.
- Wash Sales- fix for wash sales on mini options with contract multipliers other than 100 (ie: OPT-10).
- Exercise/Assign- update to auto exercise most options while allowing user intervention where needed.
- YYYY-MM-DD Windows short date settings- fix for 1099 Recon and Chart reports.
- 1099 Reconciliation report- fix to include options marked to market at year end in the MTM adjustment line.
- TradeKing / QFX import- fix for options that were labeled as Assign rather than buy/sell.
- Vanguard import- update to include for Reinvested dividends in import, removed BrokerConnect support.
- Wedbush import- added Wedbush import to list of import filters.
04/07/2015 – ver
- End Tax Year- updated so any error in the data file will prevent End Tax year from completing, and fixed problem with option W records being in shares rather than contracts, and fixed problem with short date formats other than default English US.
- Interactive Brokers import- update for change in IB flex report for Futures options.
- Schwab Baseline Wizard import- fix for options importing with wrong commission.
- tradeMONSTER import- update to include stock assignments (user to decide whether short or long).
04/02/2015 – ver
- Lightspeed BrokerConnect- fixed problem where timestamps are 4 digit numbers.
- BrokerConnect OFX- fixed date error bug when logging into OFX.
03/30/2015 – ver
- Free Trial- fixed bug where Trial shows as expired before 30 days are up.
03/26/2015 – ver
- Reg Code check- fixed bug where TradeLog reverts to Trial when user cannot connect to TradeLog website to verify regcode on startup.
- Subscription Expire Date- updated expire date for leap years.
- End Tax Year- fix so ETY is not disabled if some ETY Checklist items are false.
- tradeMONSTER import- update to filter out exercise and adjustment records.
03/13/2015 – ver
- 1099 Reconciliation report- removed any mention of Line 2 or Box 2.
- Option Exercise/Assign- update to better handle scenarios where there are multiple option records for user to manually select from.
- ETrade BrokerConnect import- added warning about adware messing up login.
- Thinkorswim import- added warning about using TD Ameritrade import filter for files after 2011.
- tradeMONSTER import- update for weekly options.
03/06/2015 – ver
- Lightspeed import- fix for latest buy/sell codes.
03/06/2015 – ver
- Apex/MasterTrader/MBTrading/Penson import- changed AutoAssignShorts to true for stocks.
- Lightspeed import- fix for csv file format changes - updated time format and option symbol format.
03/05/2015 – ver
- 1099 Reconciliation report- added numbers to check boxes.
- Download Latest Update- clear user cache when downloading updates.
- Cor Clearing / Just2Trade import- fix for missing commissions.
- ETrade BrokerConnect import- updated performance.
- Lightspeed import- fix for missing OpenSSL windows library on users PCs. Updated user guide for csv file download.
03/03/2015 – ver - CRITICAL UPDATE!
Form 8949 report- fixed bug when calculating deferred wash sales introduced in ver on 02/16/2015. Removed red and blue notes on Schedule D sample page as these no longer apply.
- 1099 Reconciliation report- fix for W records adding to adjustment for Option Sales not reported on 1099.
- End Tax Year- fixed problems with End Tax Year and IRA accounts.
- ETrade BrokerConnect import- tweaked login connect.
- Lightspeed import- update for new buy/sell codes, to better handle options, and match and delete cancelled trades.
02/27/2015 – ver
- Lightspeed import- updated to auto assign shorts and calculate correct commissions.
- Form8949.pdf- fix to remove summary page.
02/19/2015 – ver
- Lightspeed import- updated BrokerConnect, CSV import, and Apex CSV import.
- Fidelity import- fix for Account column in csv file.
- Matching Option Trades- fix for proper matching of non-USD options.
- 1099 Reconciliation report- do not adjust for open option sales.
- File, New / Edit- added support for taxpayer names like "O'Connor" and "McDonald".
02/16/2015 – ver
- Account, Edit- fix for error when selecting import filters that have parenthesis in filter name such as Quicken (QIF).
- 1099 Reconciliation report- added "Broker Reports Gain/Loss for Short Option Sales" and "Broker Reported options Prior to 2014" check boxes. Fix for ETY not locking out Menu items after running 1099 Recon.
- Adjust for Stock Split- fixed bug when trades open both long and short.
- ETrade BrokerConnect login- fixed problem with causing login to hang.
- Lightspeed import- PRELIMINARY BrokerConnect and csv import filters for new Lightspeed/TradeLog API.
- Trial mode bug- fixed bug where user installed Trial version over registered version forcing TradeLog into Trial mode.
- Form 8949- fix to remove "draft" from pdf file; corrected tax year on Statement of Differences page.
- TXF file- added warning popup about using TXF file to file taxes with TurboTax.
02/05/2015 – ver
- 2014 Final Tax Version- updated 1099 Reconciliation and Form 8949 reports.
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